#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- # Mugshot - Lightweight user configuration utility # Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Sean Davis # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of # MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . '''Enhances builder connections, provides object to access glade objects''' import inspect import functools import logging from xml.etree.cElementTree import ElementTree import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import GObject, Gtk logger = logging.getLogger('mugshot_lib') # this module is big so uses some conventional prefixes and postfixes # *s list, except self.widgets is a dictionary # *_dict dictionary # *name string # ele_* element in a ElementTree # pylint: disable=R0904 # the many public methods is a feature of Gtk.Builder class Builder(Gtk.Builder): ''' extra features connects glade defined handler to default_handler if necessary auto connects widget to handler with matching name or alias auto connects several widgets to a handler via multiple aliases allow handlers to lookup widget name logs every connection made, and any on_* not made ''' def __init__(self): """Initialize the builder.""" Gtk.Builder.__init__(self) self.widgets = {} self.glade_handler_dict = {} self.connections = [] self._reverse_widget_dict = {} # pylint: disable=R0201 # this is a method so that a subclass of Builder can redefine it def default_handler(self, handler_name, filename, *args, **kwargs): '''helps the apprentice guru glade defined handlers that do not exist come here instead. An apprentice guru might wonder which signal does what he wants, now he can define any likely candidates in glade and notice which ones get triggered when he plays with the project. this method does not appear in Gtk.Builder''' logger.debug('''tried to call non-existent function:%s() expected in %s args:%s kwargs:%s''', handler_name, filename, args, kwargs) # pylint: enable=R0201 def get_name(self, widget): ''' allows a handler to get the name (id) of a widget this method does not appear in Gtk.Builder''' return self._reverse_widget_dict.get(widget) def add_from_file(self, filename): '''parses xml file and stores wanted details''' Gtk.Builder.add_from_file(self, filename) # extract data for the extra interfaces tree = ElementTree() tree.parse(filename) ele_widgets = tree.iter("object") for ele_widget in ele_widgets: name = ele_widget.attrib['id'] widget = self.get_object(name) # populate indexes - a dictionary of widgets self.widgets[name] = widget # populate a reversed dictionary self._reverse_widget_dict[widget] = name # populate connections list ele_signals = ele_widget.findall("signal") connections = [ (name, ele_signal.attrib['name'], ele_signal.attrib['handler']) for ele_signal in ele_signals] if connections: self.connections.extend(connections) ele_signals = tree.iter("signal") for ele_signal in ele_signals: self.glade_handler_dict.update( {ele_signal.attrib["handler"]: None}) def connect_signals(self, callback_obj): '''connect the handlers defined in glade reports successful and failed connections and logs call to missing handlers''' filename = inspect.getfile(callback_obj.__class__) callback_handler_dict = dict_from_callback_obj(callback_obj) connection_dict = {} connection_dict.update(self.glade_handler_dict) connection_dict.update(callback_handler_dict) for item in list(connection_dict.items()): if item[1] is None: # the handler is missing so reroute to default_handler handler = functools.partial( self.default_handler, item[0], filename) connection_dict[item[0]] = handler # replace the run time warning logger.warning("expected handler '%s' in %s", item[0], filename) # connect glade define handlers Gtk.Builder.connect_signals(self, connection_dict) # let's tell the user how we applied the glade design for connection in self.connections: widget_name, signal_name, handler_name = connection logger.debug("connect builder by design '%s', '%s', '%s'", widget_name, signal_name, handler_name) def get_ui(self, callback_obj=None, by_name=True): '''Creates the ui object with widgets as attributes connects signals by 2 methods this method does not appear in Gtk.Builder''' result = UiFactory(self.widgets) # Hook up any signals the user defined in glade if callback_obj is not None: # connect glade define handlers self.connect_signals(callback_obj) if by_name: auto_connect_by_name(callback_obj, self) return result # pylint: disable=R0903 # this class deliberately does not provide any public interfaces # apart from the glade widgets class UiFactory(): ''' provides an object with attributes as glade widgets''' def __init__(self, widget_dict): """Initialize the UiFactory.""" self._widget_dict = widget_dict for (widget_name, widget) in list(widget_dict.items()): setattr(self, widget_name, widget) # Mangle any non-usable names (like with spaces or dashes) # into pythonic ones cannot_message = """cannot bind ui.%s, name already exists consider using a pythonic name instead of design name '%s'""" consider_message = """consider using a pythonic name instead of design name '%s'""" for (widget_name, widget) in list(widget_dict.items()): pyname = make_pyname(widget_name) if pyname != widget_name: if hasattr(self, pyname): logger.debug(cannot_message, pyname, widget_name) else: logger.debug(consider_message, widget_name) setattr(self, pyname, widget) def iterator(): '''Support 'for o in self' ''' return iter(list(widget_dict.values())) setattr(self, '__iter__', iterator) def __getitem__(self, name): 'access as dictionary where name might be non-pythonic' return self._widget_dict[name] # pylint: enable=R0903 def make_pyname(name): ''' mangles non-pythonic names into pythonic ones''' pyname = '' for character in name: if (character.isalpha() or character == '_' or (pyname and character.isdigit())): pyname += character else: pyname += '_' return pyname # Until bug https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=652127 is fixed, we # need to reimplement inspect.getmembers. GObject introspection doesn't # play nice with it. def getmembers(obj, check): """Reimplementation of getmembers""" members = [] for k in dir(obj): try: attr = getattr(obj, k) except: continue if check(attr): members.append((k, attr)) members.sort() return members def dict_from_callback_obj(callback_obj): '''a dictionary interface to callback_obj''' methods = getmembers(callback_obj, inspect.ismethod) aliased_methods = [x[1] for x in methods if hasattr(x[1], 'aliases')] # a method may have several aliases # ~ @alias('on_btn_foo_clicked') # ~ @alias('on_tool_foo_activate') # ~ on_menu_foo_activate(): # ~ pass alias_groups = [(x.aliases, x) for x in aliased_methods] aliases = [] for item in alias_groups: for alias in item[0]: aliases.append((alias, item[1])) dict_methods = dict(methods) dict_aliases = dict(aliases) results = {} results.update(dict_methods) results.update(dict_aliases) return results def auto_connect_by_name(callback_obj, builder): '''finds handlers like on__ and connects them i.e. find widget,signal pair in builder and call widget.connect(signal, on__)''' callback_handler_dict = dict_from_callback_obj(callback_obj) for item in list(builder.widgets.items()): (widget_name, widget) = item signal_ids = [] try: widget_type = type(widget) while widget_type: signal_ids.extend(GObject.signal_list_ids(widget_type)) widget_type = GObject.type_parent(widget_type) except RuntimeError: # pylint wants a specific error pass signal_names = [GObject.signal_name(sid) for sid in signal_ids] # Now, automatically find any the user didn't specify in glade for sig in signal_names: # using convention suggested by glade sig = sig.replace("-", "_") handler_names = ["on_%s_%s" % (widget_name, sig)] # Using the convention that the top level window is not # specified in the handler name. That is use # on_destroy() instead of on_windowname_destroy() if widget is callback_obj: handler_names.append("on_%s" % sig) do_connect(item, sig, handler_names, callback_handler_dict, builder.connections) log_unconnected_functions(callback_handler_dict, builder.connections) def do_connect(item, signal_name, handler_names, callback_handler_dict, connections): '''connect this signal to an unused handler''' widget_name, widget = item for handler_name in handler_names: target = handler_name in list(callback_handler_dict.keys()) connection = (widget_name, signal_name, handler_name) duplicate = connection in connections if target and not duplicate: widget.connect(signal_name, callback_handler_dict[handler_name]) connections.append(connection) logger.debug("connect builder by name '%s','%s', '%s'", widget_name, signal_name, handler_name) def log_unconnected_functions(callback_handler_dict, connections): '''log functions like on_* that we could not connect''' connected_functions = [x[2] for x in connections] handler_names = list(callback_handler_dict.keys()) unconnected = [x for x in handler_names if x.startswith('on_')] for handler_name in connected_functions: try: unconnected.remove(handler_name) except ValueError: pass for handler_name in unconnected: logger.debug("Not connected to builder '%s'", handler_name)