Mugshot is a lightweight user configuration utility that allows you to easily update personal user details. This includes: - Linux profile image: ~/.face - User details stored in /etc/passwd (used by finger) - Pidgin buddy icon - LibreOffice user details Dependencies: chfn, python3-gi, python3-pexpect, python3-dbus, python3-cairo Optional: # Webcam support gstreamer1.0-plugins-good, gstreamer1.0-tools, gir1.2-cheese-3.0, gir1.2-gtkclutter-1.0, #Profile photos gnome-control-center-data Please report comments, suggestions and bugs to: Sean Davis Check for new versions at: NOTE: If you get the following error: (mugshot:22748): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'apps.mugshot' is not installed be sure to copy data/glib-2.0/schemas/apps.mugshot.gschema.xml to either: /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas, or /usr/local/share/glib-2.0/schemas and run glib-compile-schemas on that directory before running.