Mugshot NEWS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 09 Mar 2014, Mugshot 0.2.2 - General: . Fixed crash when saving user details with a non-English locale . Fixed apparently untranslated dialog . Updated translations - Bugs fixed: . Fix crash with IndexError in init_user_details (LP: #1287468) 02 Mar 2014, Mugshot 0.2.1 - General: . Fixed typo that incorrectly hid the manual photo browser instead of stock . Use GLib for better environment and user settings detection . Use the SudoDialog developed for Catfish to better receive password . Correctly stop processing updates if password was incorrectly entered - Bugs fixed: . Add option to remove current profile picture (LP: #1286897) . Add AccountsService support to set profile picture (LP: #1273896) . mugshot fails at attempt to change avatar (LP: #1284720) 25 Jan 2014, Mugshot 0.2 - General: . Mugshot is now designed for use with only Python 3. . Dependency on yelp/ghelp has been removed. . Packaging has been simplified. 27 Jul 2013, Mugshot 0.1 - Initial release.