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<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
<!-- This shows in the title bar so does not show [icon] -->
<title type="text">Mugshot</title>
<desc>The <app>Mugshot</app> help.</desc>
<credit type="author">
<name>Sean Davis</name>
<license href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">
<p>Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License</p>
<!-- This shows on the page in title font -->
<!-- the icon only shows when installed -->
<media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/icon.png">[icon]</media>
<app>Mugshot</app> Help
<p>Welcome to the <app>Mugshot</app> help guide. For a quick introduction into <app>Mugshot's</app> most basic features, visit the <link xref="mugshot-quickstart">Getting Started with Mugshot</link> page.</p>
<p>Other help topics are grouped together into sections below. Enjoy using <app>Mugshot</app>!</p>
<!-- This is the visible index -->
<section id="contents" style="2column">
<!-- other pages needs to have a link to index#contents for this to work -->
<!-- delete this note -->
Your script or application looks better if it has help files similar to other applications in ubuntu.
Some people think that help files are only for apps that are difficult to use.