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# Mugshot
**Mugshot** is a lightweight user configuration utility for Linux designed for simplicity and ease of use. Quickly update your personal profile and sync your updates across applications.
![Mugshot window](https://screenshots.bluesabre.org/mugshot/docs/mugshot-main-2.png)
## Features
- Update your user profile image (~/.face and AccountService)
- Update user details stored in /etc/passwd (used by *finger* and other desktop applications)
- (Optionally) sync your profile image to your *Pidgin* buddy icon
- (Optionally) sync your user details to *LibreOffice*
## Dependencies
### Build Requirements
- gir1.2-gtk-3.0
- python3
- python3-distutils
- [python3-distutils-extra](https://launchpad.net/python-distutils-extra)
- python3-gi
- python3-pexpect
### Runtime Requirements
- chfn
- python3-cairo
- python3-gi
- python3-pexpect
### Optional (for webcam support)
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
- gstreamer1.0-tools
- gir1.2-cheese-3.0
- gir1.2-gtkclutter-1.0
## Installation
Please refer to the [Mugshot Wiki](https://github.com/bluesabre/mugshot/wiki/Installation) for installation instructions.
## Links
- [Homepage](https://github.com/bluesabre/mugshot)
- [Releases](https://github.com/bluesabre/mugshot/releases)
- [Bug Reports](https://github.com/bluesabre/mugshot/issues)
- [Translations](https://www.transifex.com/bluesabreorg/mugshot)
- [Wiki](https://github.com/bluesabre/mugshot/wiki)
## Troubleshooting
If you see the following error:
(mugshot:22748): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.bluesabre.mugshot' is not installed
Be sure to copy data/glib-2.0/schemas/org.bluesabre.mugshot.gschema.xml to either:
- /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas, or
- /usr/local/share/glib-2.0/schemas
and run glib-compile-schemas on that directory before running **Mugshot**.