
135 lines
2.9 KiB

package controllers
import (
func CreateProduct(c *gin.Context, product database.Product) {
db := database.Connector()
validate := validators.Validate
response := message.Response{Status: 200}
err := validate.Struct(product)
if err != nil {
response.Error = libs.GetValidationErrors(err.(validator.ValidationErrors))
response.Status = 400
message.SendResponse(c, response)
if err := db.First(&database.Manufacturer{}, product.ManufacturerID).Error; err != nil {
response.Error = gin.H{
"error": "Manufacturer with id '" + strconv.Itoa(int(product.ManufacturerID)) + "' not found",
err = db.Create(&product).Error
if err != nil {
response.Error = gin.H{
"error": err.Error(),
response.Status = 500
message.SendResponse(c, response)
response.Message = gin.H{
"message": "Product created",
message.SendResponse(c, response)
func DeleteProduct(c *gin.Context) {
db := database.Connector()
response := message.Response{Status: 200}
id := c.Param("id")
var product database.Product
if db.First(&product, id).Error != nil {
response.Error = gin.H{
"error": "Product with id '" + id + "' not found",
response.Status = 404
message.SendResponse(c, response)
db.Delete(&product, id)
response.Message = gin.H{
"message": "Product deleted",
message.SendResponse(c, response)
//func GetProducts(c *gin.Context) {
// db := database.Connector()
// response := message.Response{Status: 200}
// var product []database.Product
// resp := []interface{}{}
// db.Find(&product)
// for _, productItem := range product {
// resp = append(resp, gin.H{
// "id": productItem.ID,
// "name": productItem.Name,
// "price": productItem.Price,
// "manufacturer_ID": productItem.Manufacturer.ID,
// "manufacturer_Name": productItem.Manufacturer.Name,
// })
// log.Println(productItem.Manufacturer.Name)
// }
// response.Message = gin.H{
// "products": resp,
// }
// message.SendResponse(c, response)
func GetProductInfo(c *gin.Context) {
db := database.Connector()
response := message.Response{Status: 200}
id := c.Param("id")
var product database.Product
if err := db.First(&product, id).Error; err != nil {
response.Error = gin.H{
"error": "Product with id '" + id + "' not found",
response.Status = 404
message.SendResponse(c, response)
response.Message = gin.H{
"product": gin.H{
"id": product.ID,
"name": product.Name,
"price": product.Price,
"manufacturer_ID": product.ManufacturerID,
"manufacturer_Name": product.Manufacturer.Name,